

If you would rather be hunting, fishing, trapping, camping, hiking, or kayaking, we want you on our team. We are looking for serious outdoorsmen and women who are enthusiastic about the great outdoors. We would love to see outdoorsmen and women from across the country representing our products and showing the world how you integrate our products into your personal experiences.

We want to learn what excites you, what drives you and ultimately why and how you became passionate about the outdoors, wildlife conservation and/or living wild. What gets you up before dawn on those brutally cold mornings and what keeps you up late into the night planning your strategies?

Candidates that are accepted Ambassadors will be offered benefits like:

  • Discounts on our products
  • Free merchandise when available
  • First choice to test new products and provide feedback
  • You are encouraged to attend local events to help Sportsman's Outlet stand and be a part of our team
  • Features on our website and social media outlets

Candidates will be required to:

  • Execute a confidentiality and photo release agreement
  • Wear our product while making public appearances at hunting events, social media events and while in the field enjoying your passions
  • Show gratitude and be respectful at all times of the animals we hunt and the land we're permitted to enjoy these activities on
  • Provide product reviews and feedback




Applicants are chose at Sportsman's Outlet's discretion. Please only submit one application per calendar year. ALL Fields must be filled out!


Thanks for applying to become a Sportsman's Outlet Ambassador! If chosen we will contact you directly, please no inquiries for selection process.
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